Walking to the Chapel of Senhora da Conceição in Tomar

In previous posts, in my introductions I mentioned when the Chapel of Nossa Senhora da Conceição was built and completed (1535-1573, who ordered it (King João III), who were the architects (João de Castilho and Diogo de Torralta), what movement influenced this structure (Renaissance), what is the architecture style (Manueline), what was the original reason it was built (mausoleum), etc. Now it is time to show you how I got there. I didn’t drive because I didn’t have a car, so I just used the old fashion, natural method of walking up there while taking photos along the way.

Chapel of Senhora da Conceição in the distance in the City of Tomar

I walked up to the hill where the Chapel of Nossa Senhora da Conceição in Tomar is located. I did it with my wife and son and it's not a difficult journey at all. In fact it is very relaxing.


Road to the Chapel of Nossa Senhora da Conceição in the City of Tomar

A different perspective of the Chapel of Senhora da Conceição in the City of Tomar. That day, not many cars were driving past the road that leads to the Chapel and the Castle of Tomar


Chapel of Nossa Senhora da Conceição in the City of Tomar in Portugal

At this stage of the journey, the Chapel of Senhora da Conceição was still at some distance. This is also the same road that leads to the Castle of the Knights Templar in Tomar

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