The artistic side of rusted and busted doors and walls in Tomar

Today I am in an artistic mood and that’s why I decided to include another set of photos about dilapidated doors and crumbling walls in Tomar, Portugal. Believe it or not, but there are groups of photographers around the world who like to take photos of rusted and busted environments. Some people may say that the decayed conditions of these walls, doors and windows, look ugly and denotes lack of care from either the owners of the buildings or the town council. That may be true but if you look at these subjects with an artistic eye, they are worth watching.

Busted doors and walls in the City of Tomar in Portugal

These rusted and busted doors and windows at Travessa da Cascalheira in Tomar, may look ugly for some people, but for me they are beautiful pieces of abstract art


Rusty door and decayed wall in the City of Tomar in Portugal

Both the red door and the wall at Travessa da Cascalheira in the City of Tomar, haven seen paint for quite a while, but that's the reason I find them interesting in an artistic abstract way


Decayed green door in the City of Tomar in Portugal

Green door in decay and a walls which haven't been touched with paint, possibly for many years, but in that lies the magic of abstract forms, colours and shapes. This photo was shot at Travessa da Cascalheira in Tomar

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