Rua Fonte do Choupo in the City of Tomar in Portugal

This street in Tomar is called Rua Fonte do Choupo. There is a lane nearby with a similar name but it starts as “Travessa” (lane) rather than “Rua” (street). Apparently in the 19th and early 20th centuries, there was a fountain at the corner of this street and Rua Marquês de Pombal. This old fountain has gone but the name remains the same. This street runs alongside Nabão River at the start, but then goes around the football field of Tomar.

Rua Fonte do Choupo in Tomar to the right of Nabão River. This is also a street with two well known Restaurants


Rua Fonte do Choupo in Tomar

At the end of Rua Fonte do Choupo in Tomar at the corner of Rua Marquês de Pombal. there used to be an fountain, called Fonte do Choupo (Fountain of the Poplar). This fountain gave the name to the street


Broken tree branches at Rua do Choupo in the City of Tomar

The day I shot this picture at Rua da Fonte do Choupo, there was a small accident. Some branches from the trees have suddenly broken and fell on the ground. Luckily there was no one sitting on those benches

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