Different angles of Rua Serpa Pinto in the City of Tomar

These photos of Rua Serpa Pinto (Corredoura) in Tomar are more the case of angles and where I took them from, than trying to show you how this street looks like. As most people know, angles in photography is based on the way and position a camera is positioned relative to the subject. The first photo was shot from the Old Bridge of Tomar, but the other two were taken from Corredoura, more or less in the same spot near Pastelaria Estrelas de Tomar. The difference is that I used different angles for the last two photos, hiding the Castle of Tomar in one of them.

Corredoura from the Old Bridge of Tomar in Portugal

Photo of Rua Serpa Pinto (Corredoura) shot from the Old Bridge of Tomar. As usual the Castle of the Knights Templar lies proudly on top of an hill


Rua Serpa Pinto near Misercordia Pharmacy in the City of Tomar

A better view of Corredoura in the City of Tomar. I walked from the Old Bridge, crossed Rua Everard and a few metres further took this picture. That green cross signals that there's a pharmacy there


Rua Serpa Pinto near Estrelas de Tomar coffee shop in Tomar

A different angle of Rua Serpa Pinto taken near Café Estrelas de Tomar. On the right you can even see some of the patrons sitting on tables outside the coffee shop

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