Inside the battlements of the Castle of the City of Tomar

Inside the Castle of the Knights Templar in Tomar, I continued to take photos of its surroundings. perhaps not as many as I should given that I was eager to go inside to see the wonderful Convent of Christ. I guess that the next time I visit Portugal taking more photos outside will one of my priorities. Anyway this is another set of photos inside the battlements of the Castle of Tomar.

Green corner at the Castle of the Knights Templar in Tomar, Portugal

This corner is located inside the battlements of the Castle of the Knights Templar in Tomar


Door at the Castle of Tomar in Portugal

I don't really remember where this door is going to. I guess I was discouraged to find out when I saw the bars on the door


Door and corner  at the Castle of Tomar

Close up photo of the same door and corner inside the Castle of Tomar in Portugal

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