This section of the site has been dedicated to areas of Tomar where crumbling and dilapidated houses can be found. I’m not doing this as criticism. On the contrary, all villages, towns and cities of the world have spots that aren’t well taken care of, and as a matter of fact I often find these places very artistic. Anyway, today I decided to also include graffiti on the walls of houses in Tomar. Just like places in decay, graffiti exists everywhere in the world and the City of Tomar is no exception.
Graffiti on the walls of the building where the City Council of Tomar is located. This graffiti says "Amo-te Rodrigo" (I love you Rodrigo). Obviously someone is in love and expressed herself near Praça da República.
This graffiti at Rua de São João in Tomar says "Só D' Borla" (Only if it's free). Not sure what he or she meant! Notice that there's a partial view of the Castle of Tomar
I don't remember what street is this. Only that it's in a medieval street of Tomar. The graffiti on the wall says what seems to be "Tecno Spot". No idea what the message means, but once again you can view the Castle of Tomar in the distance
Many people have seen the movies and TV series “Beauty and the Beast”. I mention this because Tomar is a beautiful and historical town but like everywhere else in the world, there’s also a bit of of beast in my home town, which in this case may also be artistic. According to the Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang, beauty cannot exist without ugliness and vice-versa. These decayed buildings in the City of Tomar, are possibly the ugly side of the town but in this case I believe there is also some artistic merit. I see art in these crumbling walls in Tomar, rendered by the passage of time and a bit of neglect.
The beast in the beauty of Tomar. Crumbling walls and doors which despite its decay may hold some artistic merit. This photo was shot at Travessa da Cascalheira
Another photo taken at Travessa da Cascalheira in Tomar, rendering the other side of beauty, which is fortunately abundant in Tomar
Another crumbling wall in Tomar in need of repair. I shot this photo on the other side of town, close to Rua de São Gião
Today I am in an artistic mood and that’s why I decided to include another set of photos about dilapidated doors and crumbling walls in Tomar, Portugal. Believe it or not, but there are groups of photographers around the world who like to take photos of rusted and busted environments. Some people may say that the decayed conditions of these walls, doors and windows, look ugly and denotes lack of care from either the owners of the buildings or the town council. That may be true but if you look at these subjects with an artistic eye, they are worth watching.
These rusted and busted doors and windows at Travessa da Cascalheira in Tomar, may look ugly for some people, but for me they are beautiful pieces of abstract art
Both the red door and the wall at Travessa da Cascalheira in the City of Tomar, haven seen paint for quite a while, but that's the reason I find them interesting in an artistic abstract way
Green door in decay and a walls which haven't been touched with paint, possibly for many years, but in that lies the magic of abstract forms, colours and shapes. This photo was shot at Travessa da Cascalheira in Tomar
For those who have seen the paintings of Antonio Tapies, a contemporary Spanish artist from Barcelona, and read about him, know that some of his paintings were inspired on mundane and rugged things on walls, doors, alleys and pathways. Though this is somewhat different, I also find crumbling, defaced and decrepit walls and doors, very artistic. I know that the delapidated doors and walls on these photos in Tomar, weren’t produced on purpose. In fact they were the result of neglect but they are artistic nevertheless, and that’s why I took the time to take a few shots of this places. In this case this is a door and a wall located at Travessa da Cascalheira in the City of Tomar in Portugal.
This is a crumbling door and wall at a street called Travessa da Cascalheira in the City of Tomar in Portugal and because of the neglect it conveys something artistic
Neglected door at an old street in Tomar. In some way, this dilapidated door might inspire an artist like Antonio Tapies to produce another Matter Painting
Close up of a somewhat decayed door in an old street in Tomar. The inscription on the door is Garagem, which of course, in English means Garage. Some keeps or used to keep his car here
All cities, towns and villages in the world, no matter how modern or old they may be, have areas or specific spots with crumbling houses, old doors, decaying walls or dilapidated windows. This is normal and of course the City of Tomar in Portugal is no exception. In fact there is some kind of artistic feeling in crumbling structures, like good abstract paintings or sculptures, and that’s why I decided to include here some photos related to this topic. The photos of these walls, windows and doors below, are located at the streets Travessa da Cascalheira and Rua Voluntários da República in Tomar, around a pastry shop called Pastelaria da Avózinha (Grand Mum Pastry Shop).
This kind of artistic old, crumbling window and wall is located at Rua Voluntários da República in the City of Tomar, near the pastry shop "Pastelaria da Avózinha"
These old and somewhat aesthetic decaying green doors and wall, are located at Travessa da Cascalheira in Tomar, Portugal
This house is falling apart and of course nobody lives there at the moment. It is located at Rua da Cascalheira in Tomar