A pastry shop in Tomar, called Pastelaria Avózinha

This Pastry shop called Pastelaria Avózinha, which is also a coffee shop, is quite close from my mother’s apartment and it’s located at Rua dos Voluntários da República in the City of Tomar. My wife used to buy bread and pastries there and sometimes we would also have a cup of coffee. Interesting enough there is a radio station in Tomar, called Rádio Hertz which sometimes runs interviews directly from this pastry shop. This radio program is called ‘À mesa do café’ (At the table of the coffee shop).

Pastelaria Avózinha in the City of Tomar in Portugal

My wife, my son and I, walking to the pastry shop Pastelaria Avózinha in the City of Tomar, to have a "bica" which is a traditonal Portuguese cup of coffee.


Pastry shop Avózinha in the City of Tomar in Portugal

Another photo of Pastelaria Avózinha, located at Rua dos Voluntários da República in Tomar. In summer they also have an esplanade on the footpath outside


Inside Pastelaria Avózinha in the City of Tomar in Portugal

This is Pastelaria Avózinha inside. They serve an excellent coffee and their bread and pastries are fantastic. My wife is at the counter ordering some pastries

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